Bridal Bouquet Preservation

Shop Individual Pieces

*Please ensure your date is secured by emailing to confirm your date is available, and purchasing the bouquet drying reservation prior to curating your collection.


The Whole Package

Take the guesswork out of choosing your preservation pieces and save up to $400 with our set packages, pairing a statement resin block with our top favourite add-ons.


Exclusively yours

Book your spot

I came across Wild Clover Collective and fell in love with all of their pieces! I have had so many comments from family members and friends too and absolutely love the creativity, dedication and care Tamsyn and the team ‘pour’ into each and every piece. Thank you again, your work is absolutely stunning and I love the masterpieces you created for me!”


Was so happy with the products and service! Tamsyn was so lovely to deal with and made it a very seamless & easy process. All my pieces turned out better than I could have imagined and so happy I have these gorgeous keepsake pieces to admire forever!


“Ummmm… wow! The sneak peeks did not do the final products justice! They are stunning! we are so so pleased with them. Thank you both so much for your hard work we love them all!”
